Meet Your Kettlebell Mentors

Brittany van Schravendijk, World Champion & 7X Master of Sport

Michael Castrogiovanni, founder of Kettlebell Solo & Kettlebell Partner Passing

Rest assured, you're in good hands; we have 30+ combined years of kettlebell experience and 40+ years in the fitness industry.

Sustainable Gain Without the Pain

"When I started, I felt old. My flexibility was poor. I couldn't even do one pushup. Now, I feel good. I can do multiple pushups and I am no longer out of breath during classes. I have not had back pain for a while. My mood and energy are noticeably higher." — Abi, Kettlebell Solo Member

You can expect safe, fun, and effective classes and programs that offer just the right amount of exercise to progress your fitness. 

Kettlebell Training for Longevity

Kettlebell Quickie

Get fit in a jiffy with quickies, 10 minutes or less.

Kettlebell Fit in 15

Get a total body kettlebell workout in just 15 minutes.

Kettlebell Express

Get fit with kettlebells in 30 minutes or less.

Kettlebell Solo

Build a solid foundation with 60 minute strength classes.

Upper Body Strength

Build arm and core strength with kettlebells.


Recover from your workouts with full body mobility routines.

Flexible in 15

Improve flexibility with 15 minutes of stretching.


Build strength with isometrics, Kettlebell Solo style.


Burn fat, build muscle, and boost metabolism.


Train cardio, strength, and flexibility all at once.


Avoid busy gyms and train from home or on the go.


Full body movements that enhance daily life.

Be the Next Success Story

— Anne C.
— Mary S.
— Anne W.
— Mary Jo B.
— Jaynne O.
— Bara'a S.
— Doug C.
— Maria L.
— Chloe T.
— Nick P.
— Abigale L.
— Kim W.
— Eddie M.
— Amanda R.
— Katie P.
— Shannon L.
— Denice J.
— Matt T.
— Dorota N.
— Rita H.
— Victoria Z.
— Keith S.
— Boaz S.
— Andrea V.

"Kettlebell Solo is a dream come true. The level of expertise from Britt and Michael is hard to find anywhere else. I appreciate the convenience of doing workouts from home, which saves time in my busy work day. The classes are easy to follow and fun! The best part is the results - I’m stronger and better toned all over."

— Anne C.

“Kettlebell Solo helps this 63 y/o with activities of daily living: bending down to scoop up my dog, reaching up high to put away dishes, etc. I think your practice will keep me limber enough to do these daily activities in the long run. My mood is uplifted, I’m getting stronger, and my balance and coordination are improving. Seniors like me can benefit from this program.’’

— Mary S.

"I’m 54 and have been strength training since my 20s. I love Kettlebell Solo, as it aligns with my value to listen to and respect my body. Honoring myself is an ongoing journey for me. By learning to listen to my body, I am becoming a more whole person mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually."

— Anne W.

"I’ve always wanted to use kettlebells but I was intimidated by movements like the Snatch and Turkish Get Up. They just looked so technical. I’ve been a KS member for months now and love it. Brittany and Micheal are amazing and keep us motivated. I’m 63 and feel great; this program is for all ages. If you’re curious about using kettlebells, Kettlebell Solo is the program for you!"

— Mary Jo B.

"My shoulders and hips are more flexible, I can do 10 reps of the exercises, and I’ve lost a whopping 10 lbs! I have severe, uncontrolled asthma, and it’s hard to find workouts that don’t trigger it. The slow pace of the classes and the breathing lets me raise my heart rate safely, increase lung capacity, and build strength."

— Jaynne O.

"I love the Kettlebell Solo Program! I have never seen anything like it. It is so gentle and effective on the body. I joined the program in July 2022, right after my lower back injuries. I wanted to keep moving without pain, and Kettlebell Solo is a perfect fit. I have been injury free for almost 2 years and it is such a great feeling!"

— Bara'a S.

“After a year of making zero progress in the gym, gaining 25lbs, and sliding into old habits, I was ready to make some changes. Having a well programmed workout at my fingertips was spot on. I love the consistent support from Michael and Britt. They even took the time to meet with me in person when my life needed new input from positive people. Thanks!”

— Doug C.

"My body doesn't physically look like it did before having my daughter. However, it feels so much stronger because of Kettlebell Solo. I can hold yoga positions longer, and I'm almost pain free! Thank you for sharing these exercises with us at such an affordable price." 

— Maria L.

"My posture is better and the pain in my left hip is almost gone. The wide stance movements we do in Kettlebell Solo strengthen my position while digging and turning compost! I am able to activate my glutes so I don't have any lower back pain or tightness after. Thank you for this great form of kettlebell workout that allows me to enjoy kettlebell and life at a slow pace."

— Chloe T.

"I just started Kettlebell Solo training again and was amazed at how fit and strong I was when I stopped doing it for a while. I have signed up for a year because I really enjoy it and the ‘less is more’ way has really helped me. It still feels strange not pushing myself to the max to get results. I wish I knew this years ago but I probably wouldn't have listened."

— Nick P.

"When I started, I felt old. My flexibility was poor. I couldn’t even do one pushup. Now, I feel good. I can do multiple pushups and I am no longer out of breath during classes. I have not had back pain for a while. My mood and energy are noticeably higher. I’ve been walking 1/2 mile to work and back and that’s been nice mentally."

— Abigale L.

"I love kettlebell training but had to refrain for a while due to injury. It is a great feeling knowing that I am building a strong foundation to get to doing what I love to do safely and without worry! I feel stronger every single day and look forward to every workout. Thank you for creating such an amazing program! I just love your outlook and I am grateful to be part of your community."

— Kim W.

"It feels good to feel good! Kettlebell Solo is a fun, effective and efficient way to train your whole body and mind with a single piece of equipment - a Kettlebell. My body feels really good the day after doing a Kettlebell Solo session. The time under tension movements are gentle yet build solid foundational strength."

— Eddie M.

"I work 10-12 hours, so I love being able to work out at home. I love the variety of lengths for those days when an hour workout isn’t going to happen. I love the intensity without the HIIT style. I love how the movements aren’t overly complex. I like that I can hit every muscle group with only 1 piece of equipment."

— Amanda R.

"I really like the scalability. Every exercise had easier or harder options so that depending on how you feel you can adjust. I was imagining my mom doing the workout or someone who has never done kettlebells and I felt like the explanations and demonstrations would allow even a newbie to follow."

— Katie P.

"Between a post-covid world and the area I live, there is no opportunity for an in-person Kettlebell class. I've struggled to find online instructors that I connect with, until I found Kettlebell Solo. Britt breaks everything down, makes it easy to understand, and is motivating and encouraging. So glad to have added this to my workout routine!"

— Shannon L.

"The thing I noticed and wanted to tell you is that my legs felt fantastic. Actually, it’s like my whole body felt truly connected and in sync and happy. AWESOME."

— Denice J.

"The thigh circles are intense but awesome, and the pelvic tilts are really helpful in protecting my back while doing kettlebell workouts.  The classes are a really nice way to do some lower intensity strength training that is extremely helpful for runners - I would encourage all of my runner friends to try it out!"

— Matt T.

"I love Britt's energy and enthusiasm for teaching. I had never done kettlebells before and I felt I could do them safely and build strength with her instructions. I feel more fit and joyful, and there's always new classes to keep you feeling excited about your workout!"

— Dorota N.

"I really like this program you designed. It is effective, easy to follow, and perfect for modifications like using no weight, light weight, or heavier weight. I use the Recover class on the weekend. Thank you again for sharing your gift of teaching, fitness expertise, and sweet disposition!"

— Rita H.

“The class was awesome and I even found it therapeutic!! Very different than anything I had seen so far. I think anybody could do Kettlebell Solo; it's not intimidating at all!”

— Victoria Z.

"I loved the class. Can’t wait for more. I liked how it built up instead of some super intense boot camp. I am 51 so I need to take my time. I was sweating like a pig by the end. My kind of work out."

— Keith S.

"I started my fitness journey when I hit 40, but it was very unstructured. I started seeing small changes, but it wasn’t until I followed a plan with Kettlebell Solo that I started seeing real results in my physique. I feel better and sleep better, my stability has improved, and my body composition has completely changed."

— Boaz S.

"Kettlebell Solo is the best program I have tried in a long time. They offer a range of exercise options to meet your ability, and you only need minimal equipment. The exercises themselves challenge me without leaving me in pain afterwards, although I definitely notice improvement in my muscle tone and strength - my glutes are awake now!"

— Andrea V.

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Learn from coaches with 30+ years of kettlebell experience.

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This is a free group open to anyone who is interested in Kettlebell Solo. Learn more about the Kettlebell Solo philosophy, read testimonials, ask questions, and connect with group members and coaches.

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